Sunday, July 27, 2014

website unveiling

After all this time, I finally have a legit website! My domain name of used to lead to this blog; this blog is now merely A weird, little change in my (sentimental) art life.
The truth is that things have changed so much in the promotion department since I started keeping this blog. This used to be my main way of communicating with people who liked my art. Now things like facebook pages, instagram, and twitter have taken the place of old-fashioned blogging.
As someone who spent her whole life journaling and drawing in sketchbooks and being obsessed with writers, I do love the sort of notebook-quality of a blog that holds everything together in one place.
I take comfort in knowing that this blog will never end. Even if no one were ever to read it again, I think I'd still post just for my own sense of keeping track of things. :)
So here's to change, and here's to blogs, and here's to you guys for reading it, especially those of you who have been reading it for years. 
All my love,

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