Sunday, March 4, 2007

A Couple of Lonely Girls with Big Hearts

Today I was lucky enough to spend my afternoon with these two little ladies: Image Hosted by Their names are Bonnie and Tina, and they're a pair of 5 year old Beagle sisters at Buddy Dog Humane Society where I volunteer. They've been adopted out twice, both times returned - once because they wouldn't play catch, the second time becuase Tina is "too active" and Bonnie is "not active enough". They'd been gone for months and I was so glad they had a home, but today I checked the site and saw that they were back again, and I had to take a trip back to Buddy Dog. I haven't been going as much lately because of school, but these girls were always my number one reason for going. It breaks my heart that people keep adopting them and letting them down. The shelter is cold in the winter, and while the workers and volunteers do everything they can to keep the dogs happy and feeling loved, it will never be the same as a warm home environment. I think we could all learn so much from dogs. They aren't hard to please. All they ask for is love, and they will truly be happy everyday. They don't really get in bad moods. If they're grumpy, it's their nature, and at least they're honest and up front about it! Animals, and dogs especially, are a source of unconditional love. They're very admirable beings. Bonnie and Tina, who are so gentle and sweet and excited to see you when you walk up to their cage, are the epitome of all this. If you're looking for some new loves of your life, Bonnie and Tina would be quite wonderful in filling that position. Here's a link to their page at - I'm back in the city tonight, and have so much work due this! I hope I can get it all done. I hang my first solo show at my school this Friday. I'm so excited. I'll definitely post pictures! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Love, Amanda


Anonymous said...

Bonnie and Tina are very cute dogs! What a wonderful way to spend your time. Helping. :)

Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

Thank you, Angela :)
Glad you found my blog! I'm looking to make friends with people on this thing. :)