Sunday, March 4, 2007

Hello to you!

Hello, everyone! My name is Amanda Atkins, and I am beginning an online journey accompanied by my artwork. I recently took up an etsy site to sell my art, and I thought a blog would be a good way to promote my shop and give fellow artists and new friends a peek into my life. I once described myself as such: Animal lover. Sketch book connoisseur. Constantly uncertain. Understated. Jars of jewelry. Joan of arc. Collector of notebooks. Street wanderer. Bookstore basement dweller. English literature buff. Misplaced poet. Demure. High chroma palette. Probably belong in a different time, but definitely the same place. I am a lucky girl who (for school) gets to live in Cambridge, Massachusetts. My favorite poet of all time, e.e. cummings, was born in Cambridgde and spent a great deal of his life there, teaching at Harvard and writing poems like "the ladies of Cambridge". I take walks to the house he grew up in quite often. My other favorite poet, T.S.Eliot, also lived in Cambridge for a short time and I get to travel by his house everyday on my way to classes. The city of Cambridge is one of my greatest loves. I could live there forever, I think, with some traveling interjected here and there. I don't want to go on and on, so I'll end this post here. I hope to meet many new artists and friends with my blog, so feel free to leave me comments and say hi! I'm happy to meet you. :) Love, Amanda

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