Wednesday, March 27, 2013

time capsule

Tonight I went looking through this blog for my old Peanut Butter Cup recipe. I knew I'd put it on here in March of 2011, during the time I was painting for Depending Upon the Nature of the Beast.
This blog, like my real journals and sketchbooks but in a different manner, is a keeper of time capsules. Different months of my life have merged together to create specific "times" that have meant certain things, creating personal seasons that don't fall in line with spring, summer, autumn, or winter.
Anyway, I've always remembered the March and April months of 2011 to be lovely and special, and that what I was posting on my blog reflected it. Thinking of that time reminds me of the color pale pink, of listening to Henry Mancini endlessly while painting for my show, of the pine trees in the yard behind my apartment and walks at dusk.
Below are the things I was writing about on here in March 2011.
 peanut butter cups.
 my room.
 new business cards. (still the design I use!)
 Mary Blair.
 what to put in these vintage Easter egg capsules for my show's installation.
 The Dance of the Goldfish in Fantasia.
 my first solo show at Three Graces Gallery. <3 p="">
 the phases of the moon (phases lunaires).
Marilyn Monroe reading.

1 comment: said...

Aw! Love how you put it:a personal "season" true about blogs. What a cozy time!