Friday, October 1, 2010

hello, october.

I am so excited it's October! To me, October has always been the officially-fall month.
We finally have a Buffalo Exchange here in Boston, and within my first five minutes in the store, I found this dress. I couldn't believe that it was only $14 - it is in pretty perfect condition aside from the fact that one side of the bow is loose and needs to be sewed back to the collar.
I remember once reading something a woman wrote about vintage clothes - she believed that if you sent out a clear vision of what you wanted into the universe, that item would eventually cross your path.
A couple of weeks ago, I thought it would be lovely to own a very autumn-y colored vintage dress, but didn't really think much more about. Now I keep thinking about what that woman said, and wondering if her method perhaps works.
Autumn also reminds me of my favorite literature classes from college. Certain times of the year inspire certain passions of mine, and fall and literature definitely go together. I am really happy that Howl is arriving in theaters for Autumn, and I think I am seeing this on Monday night.
Maybe in my orange dress.
I will have to re-read some Ginsberg before then.
I hope you all have a wonderful beginning of October!!!


A Painted Journey said...

Great dress, honey! It looks beautiful on you! Very autumn-y indeed! haha.. I thought Howl sounded like a Halloween movie!... Love, Mummy

cArLa said...

love that dress, you look stunning! don't break too many hearts... have a great weekend!

Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

haha, thank you, mom and carla :) !