Saturday, September 15, 2007

my moon, my man.

Tonight my friends and I saw Across the Universe: Image Hosted by
It was beautifully made. Very visually stimulating and, despite some rather cheesy and overly literate interpretations of beatles lyrics, an amazing movie for any beatles lover, anyone who witnessed the fall of innocense in the 60s, or anyone who likes a good artistic movie. I also made a couple of trips to the Coop today. Here is my list of books which I must read (ignore the lack of spacing - I seem to be prohibited from entering spaces between paragraphs, etc.): 1) Bashon and I - Thomas Mann (a 1920s' writer's acount of his close companionship with his dog.) 2) Sex With Kings - Eleanor Herman (in Women in Art, we've seen many paintings of king's mistresses, and the subject grows more and more fascinating to me. I'm especially intrested in the mysterious female poet/philosopher in Da Vinci's "Lady With Ermite", who played lover to a king.) 3) St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves: Stories - Karen Russell (several stories about wild girls and the people they travel through life with. So intrigueing.) Image Hosted by
Leonardo Da Vinci - Lady with Ermite. (great inspiration for my current girls holding animals portraits, indeed!) I'm all about homework right now. I miss my family and my animals quite a bit. I might be going home in the near future! I hope the busy start of the year is treating everyone well. Love, Amanda (ps - can't stop listening to My Moon, My Man by Feist!)

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