A new paper doll in the shop: Stella the astronomer.
Stella is a model in late 1920s France. She is known for posing in celestial settings, black and white, crisp moon and wooden stars. Opera set night skies. Posing in these sets increased her passion for what lives in a dark sky, and she took up an amateur pursuit of astronomy. She's tattooed with the constellations. Her favorite, Ursa Major (great bear), is splayed across her chest.

We're supposed to get lots of snow tomorrow! I'm excited. Thanks for all the new years comments, everyone - it was so nice to hear from those of you who have been busy this past school semester!!
Have a wonderful end to your weekends.
Wow! I love your paper doll :) Oooo snow! America always looks so beautiful covered in snow! :)
Thank you for your last message Amanda! :) If you do come to London in the summer we should meet up :) That would be soooo much fun! :D
~ Kirsty x
Oh snow! That's so exciting, I wish we have snow here:P
And your paperdoll is so beautiful, why didn't I have paperdolls like your creations when I was young?
Happy new year, Amanda!!
stella is gorgeous -- i'm certain you'll sell a bunch of these paper doll designs.
have fun in the snow!
Thank you, everyone!! Kirsty and Sher, I hope you get snow. :)
I absolutely adore your work :) The vintage ladies have almost a 1920's feel to them. Really special xx
thank you!!!!
Such great art and I love the story as well!
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