Monday, January 24, 2011

all white, grey, and green

"The Birch Bed"
available in print form here. :)
Also, "Just Being Audrey," a book for children about Audrey Hepburn that was illustrated by my friend Julia Denos, is officially out tomorrow! The video below gives a nice look at the story and illustrations. I can't wait to get a copy!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
I've been planning and painting for my show, mostly, and can't wait to share more work with you.


WoolenSails said...

Catching up on your new things, so many wonderful paintings and sketches. Love the remember me, I can see why you are attached to that one, it has a lot of emotion in it.


Kitty said...

Dearest Friend,

Oh, how I wish I could cuddle up in that bedroom. Wouldn't that make a fabulous "for real" duvet cover. You need one for sure.

I am in love with your friends book. I can't wait to get one too. But, I want to get yours first. So there!

love love,

p.s. Your comment on my silly blog meant so so so so so so much to me. I adore you.

Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

Debbie, thank you so much!
And Kat, I'm glad the comment made you happy :) You are the best.