Tuesday, March 15, 2011

encapsulating (installation planning)

I bought these old plastic easter eggs at a rummage shop a year and a half ago. I think they are the first things I bought with my "future" installation in mind.
Well, that installation is going up very soon now, and I am so indecisive about what to put inside of these. I have lots of ideas, but I'm wondering what comes to mind for you guys.
I have four of them (one blue, one green, two yellow) and they're so pretty and geometric. 
I thought of putting notes inside that people could take out and read, or finding little clipper ships - like ships in bottles. 
The installation itself is going to be set up like the backgrounds of one of my paintings, with curtains draped on either side and a wallpaper background. My plan is for guests of the show to sit in front of it and have their picture taken (if they'd like) so it's as though they're one of my paintings. 
I'm thinking of giving the installation a nautical feel, which some of my paintings do have, in honor of Portsmouth. 
We'll see! I'm really excited to make this.


ETCIllustration said...

I love that idea! Amanda, your show is going to be awesome.

If you're going the note route, maybe they could be little scrolls? Tea-stained with little red ties around them.

Amanda Laurel Atkins said...

awwwww, thank you, Ellen!!!!
I like your idea about the scrolls!!

Ivy Black said...

Lovely idea. I like the hidden notes.

Of course you can use the photos of your work I put in my post!xxx