Thursday, March 26, 2009

fodder for a morning dove

"Fodder for a morning dove (every june ours)"
acrylic on masonite, 11x14"
This is a painting I've been leaving and coming back to since the beginning of February, and it's finally finished. It was based on a drawing in my sketchbook for The Sketchbook Project. Those are the best kinds of paintings, the ones that come about with no planning. Pictures born from mindless sketches.
Last night I dreamt that I'd given someone a vintage book, but it went missing. For some reason, people who worked at the Met thought that it might be buried in sand that surrounded their museum and met the edge of Central Park. They gave me permission to dig through the sand and try and find the book.
I knew the book wouldn't be there, but I knew there would be amazing things buried in the sand around a museum like the Met. It was like an archeological dig of sorts. In the sand, I found scary things (like needles) and really amazing things (a black plastic owl with wings that beat like a hummingbird's). Unfortunately, those are the only two things I can specifically remember. Everything I found was really shallow in the ground, only a few inches deep and the sand was really loose and easy to brush aside. I kept everything I found in a plastic zip-lock bag.
Dreams always have a tone or a feeling to them. This one felt like the past. It felt like being on the baseball field in elementary school. It felt like places I haven't been yet, as well.
Anyway, I hope you're all having a wonderful Thursday. I also want to thank everyone for their kind words and encouragement regarding the CD cover. It's a very exciting time. I can't wait until the album officially comes out in April!
Happy almost weekend!


rachel_jackson said...

oooh its great! i love the look on her face and the table with the open envelope! both as such nice elements.

A Painted Journey said...

I love the colors you chose for this! All your ladies are so elegant!... A Painted Journey

Tracy Lee Quinn said...

really gorgeous color palette! i love it!